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Can Van Buren Turn this seaon around?? Thoughts

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#141 knightmare07

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Posted 11 October 2007 - 08:49 AM

Enjoy your last few games Vb...its been a crazy season for you guys... make it count seniors...

#142 Thumper

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Posted 11 October 2007 - 01:59 PM

Someone tell me what happened in the Liberty Benton game... I went to watch it and it was bad... I didnt event think LB looked that good.

LB has some good ball handlers and finishers ... but team play from backfield to midfield ... not that good.

Edited by Thumper, 11 October 2007 - 02:01 PM.

#143 Potty_the_Man


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Posted 11 October 2007 - 02:19 PM

Wow just wow
I have watched all of this go on for a long time popcorn.gif, and now I have to say something.
First off: Shut up, seriously. The fact that your putting yourself off as an experienced soccer player is a joke in itself, the only reason why you got three vasrity letters was because two of those years we advanced farther than the year before (a complete BS policy), and the last year since you were a senior and coach put you in for the bare minnimum of halves required. I will admit thats how I lettered my freshmen year was due to that policy, However I "earned" my letter in Junior and Senior year and would have Sophomore if it wasn't for the fact I was out half the season. Its just insulting to people like me, dusty, decker, angie, tracey, and austin who all earned our letters the right way through being an asset to the varsity team. You never even started! wedgie.gif. Seriously don't you have college work to do at the "The OSU of Mansfield". boxing.gif
Two: I agree with vanburensoccer1 we were never a dynasty. We had one remarkable year back in 2004 that brought attention to the little country land that we call home, and then the years after we never made it out of Districts. We are a good team but never a dynasty. I'm not inciting the downfall of VB just revealling the truth for those that have twisted the past so much that they are now rapped up in it.
Three: This blog site was never created to bring about the arguing of students from the same school, regardless of wether you've graduated or not. This is for the communication of opinions of high school sports, encouragement of fellow teammates, and the occasionall source of smack talk, without having to pay for it , yay free crap. This bickering among ourselves is a little retarded. Yes I am typing this a thousand miles away at Florida Institute of Technology, but that doesn't mean I'm out of the loop. I frequently check rc, talk to remaining soccer players like my brother and May, as well as Austin whoes been there for the team this year more than I can keep track of.

Instead of arguing how about we get back to the roots of what this site was meant for.

I also want to say that we should be keeping Tom Swaisgood in our thoughts too, I've just been told that he will be spending the next two weeks in ICU and will have a recovery time of 9 months after, if all goes well.

Alrighty Then.

Edited by slice slice baby, 11 October 2007 - 04:17 PM.

#144 myturn

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Posted 11 October 2007 - 02:31 PM

Potty - there is a hit knightmare07 started just so people like you don't have to waste space in a legitimate topic taking pot shots at a former teammate. (NEWBIE)

Edited by myturn, 11 October 2007 - 02:32 PM.

Life is a gift...that is why it's called 'the present'

#145 Potty_the_Man


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Posted 11 October 2007 - 02:37 PM

ya I went there but I figured it would be better in forum where the examples of his posting could be better seen, and that forum turned out to be a Glick support group not, hey lets listen to a voice of reason, someone that has known the child for 13 years group. By the way this is my secound Rocket corner account so the exprression newbie doesn't really work here

#146 Potty_the_Man


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Posted 11 October 2007 - 02:38 PM

Ah but I told him the IBC story and he's grown even more fond of you

#147 knightmare07

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Posted 11 October 2007 - 02:40 PM

You may have known me for thirteen years...but did you know that I know that you knew? And do you know any of those other people? Look at some of the other stuff thats posted in other topics. Just because your in Daytona and off...far away in your own little lalaland...best regards .

Edited by slice slice baby, 11 October 2007 - 04:13 PM.

#148 Potty_the_Man


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Posted 11 October 2007 - 02:45 PM

I'm in Melbourne, If your going to try to insult me, get it right.
This the last I will post of this issue because like stated before this is not what the site was intended for.

Look forward to hearing how all the schools are doing


#149 knightmare07

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Posted 11 October 2007 - 02:46 PM

whatev...start an argument and dont finish it....good ole' pot. You may have started every game for two years but....uh....as I recall you wanted to lose to Cory in the final game of last year so....at least I wanted to be there...also...I had 20 halves last year....you want to insult me then get it right....and I missed three games with a concussion....

Edited by knightmare07, 11 October 2007 - 02:48 PM.

#150 Hiteisright

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Posted 11 October 2007 - 03:22 PM

well...never thought that we'd see Easter Bunny back here...I thought that he hated everything to do with NW Ohio....so why then does he see it fit to argue with Santa Claus...which keep up the good work by the way...lovin' it....about stuff in NW Ohio?

Edited by slice slice baby, 11 October 2007 - 04:12 PM.

#151 slice slice baby

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Posted 11 October 2007 - 04:11 PM

I'm closing this one down...Two reasons. One, it's at 8 pages, but secondly and most importantly, it's getting outta hand.....Feel free to open up another, but keep it respectful and with out giving out ppl's identity (even if you know who they are)......I will be keeping a closer eye on the topic than I have been...
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