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In The Shadows

Member Since 31 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2012 08:31 PM

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slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

happy birthday its!! we miss u!!
Jun 01 2010 08:18 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

thats sum pic, its!! ;)
You're in luck!!!
Looks like everyone gets to be on the "Nice List" this year.
Merry Christmas to you & yours from the slicer fam & the RC!!
Dec 25 2009 12:46 AM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

Ho! Ho! Ho!
You'd be jolly, too, if you only had to work one day a year!
Merry Christmas from the Slicers
Dec 24 2008 12:11 AM
In The Shadows's Photo

In The Shadows

Nice Profile Name
Blast from the Past!!!!!!!!!
Oct 03 2008 08:28 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

In observance of Easter, we honor celebrity Rabbits throughout History... Bunny Holly, Rabbit Redford, Scarlet O'Hare, Dennis Hopper and the biggest rabbit of all... Jelly Winters. Happy Easter to you & yours!
(can only give this greeting to those of us old enuff to know who these ppl r! ;) :P )
slice baby
Mar 22 2008 11:12 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

Just like the only good piece of chocolate in those heart-shaped boxes… You're one in a million! Happy Valentines Day its!
Feb 14 2008 05:47 AM
In The Shadows's Photo
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

hey its...this is a standard message that iv bn copying and pasting to every1, but wanted to add a lil xtra message to ur.... i saw uv just had rough time recently and i truly hope ur '08 is much better than '07..take care sweetie!
slice baby
Dec 31 2007 11:02 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1...Happy New Year!
Wishing you fun, surprises, excitement, and good fortune in 2008!
Get into the holiday spirits . . .Happy New Beer! :P
slice baby
Dec 31 2007 11:01 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

Do you hear what I hear???
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!
from your favorite "flake",
slice baby
Dec 23 2007 10:09 PM