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Rocketcorner is a bunch of BS

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#1 bulldog96

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 09:42 AM

I come here a lot to just read the comments and don't post very much. Now I know why I don't because somebody posts some thing and everybody has to be jerks about it. Instead of letting somebody have an opinion everybody has to be rude and rip on each other. Instead of ripping on people and making fun of people as one person stated to me why don't you come up with your own opinions and maybe debate a little instead of all the personal attacks.

#2 daaa browns

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:23 AM

View Postbulldog96, on 17 March 2015 - 09:42 AM, said:

I come here a lot to just read the comments and don't post very much. Now I know why I don't because somebody posts some thing and everybody has to be jerks about it. Instead of letting somebody have an opinion everybody has to be rude and rip on each other. Instead of ripping on people and making fun of people as one person stated to me why don't you come up with your own opinions and maybe debate a little instead of all the personal attacks.
I agree...you definately have to pick and choose who is worth talking too on this site.... me and Blue_Jay just had a mini debate on who's schedule is stronger between DSJ and WT and if it even matters during tourny time....He is one of the few who can have an intelligent debate with another user!
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#3 Teddy Malone

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 11:49 AM

If the reason the Huddle and Rocketcorner's activity has dropped WAY off over the last few years is because people have paper thin skin, then society is in trouble. By the way, a topic with this title would have been deleted immediately on the Huddle.

#4 daaa browns

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 01:08 PM

View PostTeddy Malone, on 17 March 2015 - 11:49 AM, said:

If the reason the Huddle and Rocketcorner's activity has dropped WAY off over the last few years is because people have paper thin skin, then society is in trouble. By the way, a topic with this title would have been deleted immediately on the Huddle.
I think he is mainly talking about the topics like the OG Pity Party stuff and adults bashing high school kids..haha oh well I post here all the time
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#5 bulldog96

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 04:03 PM

View PostTeddy Malone, on 17 March 2015 - 11:49 AM, said:

If the reason the Huddle and Rocketcorner's activity has dropped WAY off over the last few years is because people have paper thin skin, then society is in trouble. By the way, a topic with this title would have been deleted immediately on the Huddle.

Teddy when I post a topic I don't expect personal attacks on me for my opinion. Everybody has an opinion and my opinion was the fouls in the Defiance and Celina game even though they were legit was very inconsistent. That's my opinion and I don't expect personal attacks because of it. Also I am part of the media and I will point out bad officiating even if it is in Defiance's favor. Yes I want Defiance to win, but I am not a homer like someone called me and I don't have a bias like another person said. Maybe you like people saying stuff about you, but I don't and it has no place on here.

#6 StudentOfTheGame

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 04:31 PM

You are both right...thick skin should be something of a trait for your RC resume. HOWEVA....this site would be much more interactive and intellectual if it wasn't for the negative remarks.

I get it though

#7 ADog

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 05:06 PM

wow..ok I get it and understand..but if people think this site is bad with insults and personal attacks....don't sign up for another particular site I belong to..down right VICIOUS on that site.....

#8 lepiota

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 05:26 PM

I whined about Bath getting homered at OG a couple of years ago in basketball and got freakin hammered. It was hilarious. It was so bad my keyboard was sore

Edited by lepiota, 18 March 2015 - 09:24 AM.

#9 StudentOfTheGame

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 06:05 PM

View PostADog, on 17 March 2015 - 05:06 PM, said:

wow..ok I get it and understand..but if people think this site is bad with insults and personal attacks....don't sign up for another particular site I belong to..down right VICIOUS on that site.....

View Postlepiota, on 17 March 2015 - 05:26 PM, said:

I whined about Bath getting homered at OG a couple of years ago in basketball and got freakin hammered. It was hilarious. It was so bad keyboard was sore

I guess I'm curious as to why we insist to compare RC to "the other site" or... actually "the other sites"? Why can't this website be something that has nothing but positive insight? Not saying it's possible or impossible, simply posing the question. I'll start...it starts at the top.

#10 ADog

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 06:35 PM

Student..I am in no way comparing this site to any other.. I simply was making the statement that if people here think they are being personally attacked here. they must live in a sheltered world..this is nothing...and I will say, I post on several different sites and this one is the best by far and my favorite. RC s the best site you will find for NW Ohio HS sports. Granted readership is down here, but it is down on EVERY site. Go check out JJ sometime..that is a freakin ghost town and they (supposedly) ban anyone who bashes any other poster. I guess what I am trying to say is ..relax people. this site as the others are, is a place to relax, enjoy some banter back and forth in all good fun..take it for what it I worth

#11 Badlands

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 06:43 PM

I think my input is worth more then 2 cents.

#12 StudentOfTheGame

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 07:01 PM

View PostADog, on 17 March 2015 - 06:35 PM, said:

Student..I am in no way comparing this site to any other.. I simply was making the statement that if people here think they are being personally attacked here. they must live in a sheltered world..this is nothing...and I will say, I post on several different sites and this one is the best by far and my favorite. RC s the best site you will find for NW Ohio HS sports. Granted readership is down here, but it is down on EVERY site. Go check out JJ sometime..that is a freakin ghost town and they (supposedly) ban anyone who bashes any other poster. I guess what I am trying to say is ..relax people. this site as the others are, is a place to relax, enjoy some banter back and forth in all good fun..take it for what it I worth

Point taken - and I agree

Just wishful thinking in my thoughts

#13 dhsdawg06

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 07:28 PM

Just my 2 cents and I'm sure some will disagree......

This site 5 years ago and now are like night and day. It was a great place to be when I first signed up(guess that was actually closer to 7-8 years ago but you get the point), and there's 2 main things that stand out to me why it's changed. 1 There's only so much discussion about LCC and the MAC that a person can take! I understand LCC is a lightning rod for controvery/has been great in almost every sport, and I understand the MAC(especially in football) is the best small school league in the state. That doesn't mean that every other topic has to be about them/turn into a discussion about them. I understand being up here in the northern part of the coverage area, there isn't going to be as much talk about what's going on up here compared to Limaland.....but it sure would be nice to have SOME kind of discussion on the GMC, NWOAL, etc. But it seems as though every time we get a poster/posters with ties to those leagues wanting to talk, the MAC guys have to point out how much better they are and ruin it. We get it. We really do. You guys are a great group of schools who dominate in a lot of sports and you should be proud. Let us talk about our schools. I don't need to hear about Tinora football's weak strength of schedule whenever someone brings them up. I don't need to hear about how the GMC is a joke. Let us have our threads.

2, and most problematic, is RM himself. He seemed like a real cool dude when I first joined but he's developed a massive ego problem in the last few years and frankly, it's driving people away. He's done a good job with creating the site and making a place where we can have discussions and even air out our grievances without the threat of being banned, and I DO thank him for that. That was the number 1 problem with the puddle and it's one of the strengths of this site. HOWEVER, this isn't a news agency. Just because you think you have some inside info doesn't mean it's your job to break it before the ACTUAL news people. They know just as much and probably more than you do....the difference is, because their job calls for integrity and making sure you're right before reporting, they aren't allowed to report rumors. Just because you have your sources and happen to be right on a lot of the rumors doesn't make you better than the local media. It's one thing to post what you're hearing, it's another completely to act like a jacka** when you end up being right. At times the latter has been the case and it's hard to read. I could also do without the controversial topics such as the LCC and OG ones(just off the top of my head) that are started, BY RM HIMSELF, to attempt to get conversation going. The problem with the membership/slower post counts around here isn't a lack of controversy. I firmly believe the controversy itself is driving people away. I personally don't come here for the day in, day out, he said, she said drama of the most popular schools in the area. I come here to talk HS sports with people from around the area and to help myself learn about teams I otherwise would have never known anything about while I'm up here following basically ONLY Defiance sports.

As I said, just my 2 cents, and these were just a couple of issues i needed to get off my chest. I really do like this site and especially being able to come in and get a score or a piece of info about a game whenever I need it. As long as I'm having at least a little bit of fun and find the boards at least somewhat useful I'm a dedicated member of the Corner. But it's frustrating at times to see the way things are handled knowing that it used to be so much different/better. But again, thanks RM for a FREE, UNCENSORED place to talk about high school sports without worrying about being banned everytime we're even slightly critical of someone.

Edited by dhsdawg06, 17 March 2015 - 08:49 PM.

#14 dawgs87

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 07:39 PM

Great points dhsdawg, I feel similar regarding where the website started and where it is now. I've drifted over to 11warriors forums mostly for college football banter, but what I like about the site is that the mods and admins do a great job keeping topics going, and they provide scouting reports, game break downs, etc. That's what I'd like to see out of the forums here, not the continuous Mac circle jerk and lcc bashings that it's become.

Edited by dawgs87, 17 March 2015 - 08:28 PM.

#15 Teddy Malone

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 07:58 PM

View Postdhsdawg06, on 17 March 2015 - 07:28 PM, said:

Just my 2 cents and I'm sure some will disagree......

This site 5 years ago and now are like night and day. It was a great place to be when I first signed up(guess that was actually closer to 7-8 years ago but you get the point), and there's 2 main things that stand out to me why it's changed. 1 There's only so much discussion about LCC and the MAC that a person can take! I understand LCC is a lightning rod for controvery/has been great in almost every sport, and I understand the MAC(especially in football) is the best small school league in the state. That doesn't mean that every other topic has to be about them/turn into a discussion about them. I understand being up here in the northern part of the coverage area, there isn't going to be as much talk about what's going on up here compared to Limaland.....but it sure would be nice to have SOME kind of discussion on the GMC, NWOAL, etc. But it seems as though every time we get a poster/posters with ties to those leagues wanting to talk, the MAC guys have to point out how much better they are and ruin it. We get it. We really do. You guys are a great group of schools who dominate in a lot of sports and you should be proud. Let us talk about our schools. I don't need to hear about Tinora football's weak strength of schedule whenever someone brings them up. I don't need to hear about how the GMC is a joke. Let us have our threads.

2, and most problematic, is RM himself. He seemed like a real cool dude when I first joined but he's developed a massive ego problem in the last few years and frankly, it's driving people away. He's done a good job with creating the site and making a place where we can have discussions and even air out our grievances without the threat of being banned, and I DO thank him for that. That was the number 1 problem with the puddle and it's one of the strengths of this site. HOWEVER, this isn't a news agency. Just because you think you have some inside info doesn't mean it's your job to break it before the ACTUAL news people. They know just as much and probably more than you do....the difference is, because their job calls for integrity and making sure you're right before reporting, they aren't allowed to report rumors. Just because you have your sources and happen to be right on a lot of the rumors doesn't make you better than the local media. It's one thing to post what you're hearing, it's another completely to act like a jacka** when you end up being right. At times the latter has been the case and it's hard to read. I could also do without the controversial topics such as the LCC and OG ones(just off the top of my head) that are started, BY RM HIMSELF, to attempt to get conversation going. The problem with the membership/slower post counts around here isn't a lack of controversy. I firmly believe the controversy itself is driving people away. I personally don't come here for the day in, day out, he said, she said drama of the most popular schools in the area. I come here to talk HS sports with people from around the area and to help myself learn about teams I otherwise would have never known anything about while I'm up here following basically ONLY Defiance sports.

As I said, just my 2 cents, and these were just a couple of issues i needed to get off my chest. I really do like this site and especially being able to come in and get a score or a piece of info about a game whenever I need it. As long as I'm having at least a little bit of fun and find the boards at least somewhat useful I'm a dedicated member of the Corner. But it's frustrating at times to see the way things are handled knowing that it used to be so much different/better. Again, thanks RM for a FREE, UNCENSORED place to talk about high school sports without worrying about being banned everytime we're even slightly critical of someone.

This is about 65 cents.

#16 dhsdawg06

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:47 PM

View PostTeddy Malone, on 17 March 2015 - 07:58 PM, said:

This is about 65 cents.

Fair enough lol. It did get a little bit more long winded than I initially thought it would.

#17 Rocketman

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Posted 18 March 2015 - 06:47 AM

To be politically correct, I agree with all the statements above......
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#18 Rocketman

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Posted 18 March 2015 - 06:48 AM

Well all those except LCC......
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#19 schrades

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Posted 18 March 2015 - 09:51 AM

View Postdawgs87, on 17 March 2015 - 07:39 PM, said:

That's what I'd like to see out of the forums here, not the continuous Mac circle jerk and lcc bashings that it's become.

Main reason why I dont post anymore.

#20 schrades

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Posted 18 March 2015 - 09:51 AM

View PostRocketman, on 18 March 2015 - 06:48 AM, said:

Well all those except LCC......

I rest my case..... :shrug2:

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