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Baseball recruits

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#21 dartmaster63

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 06:20 AM

View Postbballcat, on 05 December 2011 - 03:33 PM, said:

Napoleon Riverbandits were presented their state championship rings saturday night at the Napoleon/Defiance boys basketball game and Chad Billingsley returned to present the rings to the players. What a treat for everyone.
Pretty awesome stuff!!
Remembering where you came from giving back is part of the reason for the sustained excellence.

#22 Procell

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 10:19 AM

dude...seems like you had someone pull the football away from you at the last minute!!!! Don't get your panties all in a bunch.
There was nothing meant that anyone was more of a "baseball" player than anyone else.

You are trying to read something into what I was saying that isn't there. YOu can spin it any way you want to...I know the board itself is intended to spur discussion. I am just one of those that can't stand it when someone comes on and "slight's" a HS player for his/her choices.

I am not slighting anyone for playing another sport over fall baseball. Nor would I accuse a kid of being narrow minded for being a 1 sport athlete. It is their life and their choice...let them make the choice and live it.

My point about the axe grinding...someone is always coming on and putting a KID...a KID...down for his choices. If someone is making a decision to play DI baseball...someone always comes on and knocks the kid. The kid is in over his head...or whatever...it just gets old.

So, I am not putting anyone down for the choice of playing football over baseball. You read something into it that I definitely did not intend...I support kids and the choices they make. I think that multi-sport athletes are needed. I also think that 1 sport athletes get ridiculed sometimes because everyone wants to impress on them their own values/ideas about what they should be doing...vs. what they are actually doing.

If you don't play fall baseball doesn't mean you are any less of a baseball player. The kid makes the choice to be a multi sport athlete, that also makes him as valuable to a recruiter, because he knows that he is getting a good player with talent...just as much as he knows that if he gets a kid that only plays baseball...he knows he is getting someone that just loves the game...
You are the one trying to split hairs on who has more of what....
I'm just saying...let the kid decide what he wants to do...me as a parent of a kid that is still going to be coming through the system. I am going to support that decision and help him be the best he can be, and help push him if he wants to play at the next level.

Hopefully my explanation helps you pull your panties out of your crack. I simply did not mean anything that you read into my post.
I applaud the guys for the work they have put in...just tired of seeing other's come on to grind their axe and spewing crap about any of them not being good enough to be going DI or anything else, or this coach didn't have anything to do with anything...if he coached him...he had a part in what is going on...just that simple.

Prodaddy...I like that RM...with your blessing I might change my name to that...although understand. I am not anyone's daddy being discussed here on this board. Nor am I related to anyone here being discussed. :)

#23 charlie brown

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 12:53 PM

Procell - My panties are just fine...thanks for the concern though! I hate it when they get all bunched up and stuff!
Seriously, I wasn't trying to pick a fight. If you look back at your post, with no bias involved, you may see why I made the comment that I did. I don't like "slights" against players (kids) either and it just seemed a little that way in your post. You put "baseball" in quotes and called those that play fall baseball as "baseball" players. That's all. I just needed clarification...you gave it to me...its all good.

No one in this thread criticized anyone for the choices they have made regarding playing just baseball, or 2 sports or 3 sports. Folks were just commenting on how difficult it is to get enough athletes in these small schools to play the different sports. Its all good! Just wondering why you were being so defensive! Maybe there were comments on other threads or maybe comments made in the community...but they weren't brought up here until you brought them up! That's all! And by the way...I agree! Let kids play what they want, when they want and the adults should keep their darn mouths shut! It always cracks me up when people assume that a college coach DOESN'T want the kid to play other sports besides baseball. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most love that the athlete likes to mix it up on the football field or is in basketball condition. But they are also fine with the kids that just choose baseball, because they know that the kid is working on his skills all year round. No matter what...they are looking for athletes..ones that are committed to whatever sport they are playing at the time.
No hair-splitting going on here. Again, just wanted to know why you made some of the comments. You explained...I understand, so you can now quit the uncalled-for "panties" comments. OK? :)

#24 Procell

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 11:37 AM

We are fine. Sorry for the panties comment...
My comments about the axe grinding did come from other posts in the past where other's would come on and nail a kid for choosing a school, and then the comments are made/insinuated that player isn't good enough...blah, blah, blah.

The concerns/impressions from other's too that $$$ generating sports rules. It used to be that each sport had its own season. I know I don't accept change well either!!! LOL That is just how I am...but I hear this stuff about summer time is for 7 on 7 football, and team camps for basketball...and that baseball in Ohio is only 2-3 months long.

There was a time it wasn't like that...but there was a rule passed that said HS baseball coaches can't coach their summer baseball teams. Acme baseball used to be a strong product 20-25 years ago...it isn't as strong now because of this rule. You don't have HS baseball coaches involved with the teams in the summer. Kids have made the switch to play travel ball, legion ball, Connie Mac, or elite travel...

Now you have other coaches from football and basketball telling kids that they have to be there for 7 on 7, or the next team camp that is going on...all at the demise of the baseball team they may be playing for...and that is an axe that grinds all on its own...

I might be opening a can of worms up here...and that is ok...maybe it spurs conversation...maybe it doesn't. Either way.

Schools say they want multi-sport athletes...but then one sport wants to dominate that athlete 12 months out of the year.

We have all heard it before....it isn't new...it is just not ever dealt with in an effective manner. Kids told if they are not there they will have to "earn" a starting spot...Isn't that what PRACTICE "in season" is for...to earn a starting spot??? If I have a kid that plays QB, but he is also an elite pitcher in NW Ohio...7 on 7 is going to be important to him, but so is his next start on the hill, and any competitor will tell you that both are equally important.
He is told by football coach to be there or they will have to start making more time for #2 QB who is a sophomore...so the QB goes to 7 on 7...but leave his baseball team short handed for their game.

I just think those things have to be worked out much differently. I don't know how it can be accomplished either.

I have a young son coming up that is going to start dealing with some of this stuff in the future years. I am going to support him in all that he does, but I am not sure how to handle the time allotments for football, basketball, and baseball. I love all 3 and hope my son will want to do all 3, but he may not be given the chance if he has to focus on 1 or 2.

Football is a fun sport...12 months of devotion to weight training, speed drills, and weight room...for a 10 game season if you are a 2 platoon team...that is 12 months for 1/2 of 10 games...if you play both ways...it is just 10 games.

I hear the arguments that basketball needs the team together to work on their offensive sets, get the guys working together etc., well...right after team camp is over...football starts its fall conditioning...the players go through 4-5 months of practice/games...when basketball finally gets here for practice 1...everyone is starting from square one all over again.

The emphasis is on the money generators and I know that...but some kids love baseball...heck other's love soccer.
Personally....in the back of my mind I hope mine will like golf a little more too...he can play that his entire life, with me!

I'm not a doctor either but have you ever heard of "over use injuries"??? We didn't have the ACL/PCL/MCL issues 25 years ago...not at the numbers that we have today...all from "overuse"...

So, yea...I guess I get tired of hearing all the arguments for why a kid has to specialize...I don't think they do...but if they do specialize...let it be their choice...their decision...not something that they feel they have to do in order to be able to play.
If they are good enough the coach is going to play them anyway.

#25 charlie brown

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 02:16 PM

I couldn't agree with you more. Yep, I've heard of "over use injuries" which may a good argument for an athlete to be in multiple sports, using different muscle groups and having to be in a different type of condition. But, again, if that is not what they want to do, then OK! Of course in small schools, multi-sport athletes are vital, but if a an athlete chooses not to play a particular sport...so what? It gives somebody who actually loves that sport an opportunity to play. Believe me, I've heard it all because I know of several kids who have decided to quit one sport or the other. For some, they quit because they just didn't like playing. For others, its because they wanted to get better at another sport. For some, its a very difficult decision to quit a sport, for others, its a relief. Again, I say, "so what?" I think its awful when ADULTS rip on a kid for his/her decision.

Coaches need to get their "stuff" together when it comes to these athletes. They, as adults, need to figure out a way to work together and then maybe, just maybe, the kids will want to play every sport. If they fight over the athlete's time, they are going to lose them. I've had this discussion (okay..over a few beers) with some coaches. I told them, "If you make a kid choose between your sport or that sport, you may not like their choice." Well, guess what? Its happened, more than once. These kids don't want to disappoint their coaches, but they also don't want to be given an ultimatum. Many want to shoot hoops during football so that they are ready for basketball season, or they want to swing the bat during basketball so that they are ready for baseball. And, if I hear one person say that these kids are lazy or that they don't want to put in the time or effort, I think I'll scream! For the majority of the really good athletes...they are living in weightroom or in the cage, or on the mound, or on the court, etc. etc. They want to do their best and be their best, but these coaches must stop fighting over them!
OK..think I'm done...for now! :)

Edited by charlie brown, 26 December 2011 - 08:41 PM.

#26 Mr. KnowItAll


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 04:36 PM

I LOVE seeing kids from around the area succed at the sport of baseball. I love baseball and I like seeing all the kids from the area show interest in the sport!

Good luck in college boys!

#27 Sportznut


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Posted 14 December 2011 - 07:55 PM

I agree the best thing to do is attend the college's camps that you would consider attending. But first you must be honest with yourself and truly evaluate your talent level sure we;d all like to think our son is a D-1 athlete. but they all cant be .My son played J.U.C.O. for two yrs. then actually recieved a full ride D-1 also J.U.C.O. can also offer full ride scollarships they are allowed 22 and there is always pro and college scouts at pretty much all the games also the talent level is very good most of the boys are D-1 or2 players that couldn't go D-1 or 2 for one reason or another.I would highly reccomend this route plus your more likly to get playing time than sitting and watching at D-1 as a freshman

#28 withinreason

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Posted 26 December 2011 - 07:06 PM

Kids end up at different levels for many reasons. They may be big and talented enough to have some D1 potential, but they may not be able to have the academic program they want. They may have started at a JUCO due to some need to improve academics. They may be very talented but considered too small for a certain level. I do know this. Any kid that continues to play at any level makes a significant commitment and that is to be applauded!

#29 Common Sense

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Posted 29 December 2011 - 03:12 PM

Procell and Charlie, you've nailed a lot of great points. At a small school with a good football program, it's impossible to put together a summer baseball program. 7 on 7's used to be mainly in July, but they are now slipping into June. Basketball team camps are mostly in June and that's another activity. As a parent with multi sport athletes, June and July are probably the worst months of the year. Many times kids will have one or two days the entire month without anything scheduled. At least during the school year, you only do one sport at a time!
I do disagree on one certain opinion. The thought that the kid should make all the decisions and adults need to keep quiet. I think that's one of the reasons we have kids quitting sports in big numbers. Everything now is based strictly on playing time in games. No one wants to be part of a team, or part of a good program. Many schools struggle fielding full JV teams anymore when their used to be JV and freshman teams. There are alot of kids walking the halls at high schools doing nothing. Yes, some work because they have to, but most just go to school and go home. We need to do everything we can to keep kids involved in sports at the high school level.
As much as you like baseball, it's just not a real good fit for high school anymore in Ohio and the midwest. The high school season is too short, and the weather is not good for baseball in March and April. Yes, there are dedicated coaches like the ones you've mentioned on here who take the time and has built up great programs, but for most schools, it's a short season just to finish out the school year.

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