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FrOnT RoW JOE's Photo


your a great poster...please continue
Dec 16 2006 03:51 PM
tigerball13's Photo


Look like your in good shape for 99 years old. :)
Dec 15 2006 03:23 PM
FrOnT RoW JOE's Photo


Get off and stay off
Dec 15 2006 10:06 AM
dawger's Photo


yeah I'm sorry I can't think of any other ways to get it off of there!.....and I pretty much would hug you right now since you hate dallas!!!.....you are officially a best friend of Dawger's on the RC.....haha
Dec 14 2006 09:57 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

wanted to add, unless it was part of our bonfire!! :)
Dec 14 2006 04:18 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

i want 2 make clear that IS NOT part of my profile, just a stupid topic I started, that happens to b in the wrong place right now!!ha ha I think I may just have to start another topic or 2, or 3,etc & get it knocked down to the btm. if ur talking about the dallas cowboys, I hate them too & she would not b premitted 2 wear anything like that in this household!! ;)
Dec 14 2006 04:14 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

Iwas only kidding too! No, that is my daughter, and that is an AE(Allen East) jersey. Thanks for the 'interests' help. maybe check out my other help question on the trivia forum. I really would like to fix it!! :)
Dec 14 2006 02:28 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

That's not a very nice thing to say to a woman, dawger!!! :) How did u fill in your interests part? I can't seem to do it on mine.
Dec 14 2006 12:55 PM
dawger's Photo


Dang, you're pretty old lol
Dec 14 2006 12:40 PM
slice slice baby's Photo

slice slice baby

Hey buddy!! Thought I was gonna hit the hay, but just can't sleep. Be sure to add me as your friend!!
Dec 13 2006 02:38 AM
FrOnT RoW JOE's Photo


I added you to my friendslist and I love that you put input in all post!
Dec 12 2006 09:41 PM