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#426229 Girls State Tourney Attendance.......

Posted by zerodrama on 24 March 2015 - 09:21 PM in Boys Basketball

I am not saying that girls should be moved because they are "less than the guys"...

Crowds are smaller...move them to a venue like UD where they seat 12,000....5400 in that setting is a pretty loud place to be in! I am not saying to cheat the girls....but move the games to a place where the atmosphere is better...for that fact, move both the boys and girls game to UD...Xavier....

Schott holds what 20,000....boys average is what???? I don't know...I'm just saying it would be alot more fun to have them in an arena where the noise is thunderous, the fans are on top of the court...

Wasn't trying to short change the girls...move them both to another arena.

#426227 Defiance vs. Dayton Dunbar

Posted by zerodrama on 24 March 2015 - 09:12 PM in Boys Basketball

I didn't say they would be in a track meet...I will say that Defiance can control the style of play...their guards can handle the ball and are quick, and play physical. I think it is going to be a pretty fun game to watch! It could come down to last second shot...game just like Franklin game...

I think I mentioned "controlled running"...Defiance can't get into a rat game with Dunbar, but they can go up and down with them...they just need to control the running game to their favor.

#426138 Girls State Tourney Attendance.......

Posted by zerodrama on 22 March 2015 - 08:18 PM in Boys Basketball

Or move the girls back to St. John's!!!

BG would be a good site to host girls as well...

#426137 Defiance vs. Dayton Dunbar

Posted by zerodrama on 22 March 2015 - 08:13 PM in Boys Basketball

I have seen both teams play. Defiance can play, compete, and win...they have the speed at guard, the size, and the athleticism. Dunbar will want a track meet...Defiance can run with them...controlled running will be the big thing...Defiance will want to control that part of the game...Dunbar wants a rat type up and down game...they can play in the 1/2 court though if need be...this really could have been a state championship game...both teams are that good! Will be a great game in Columbus!!!

#425809 Purcell disqualified in D3, Versailles now in regional semifinals

Posted by zerodrama on 19 March 2015 - 01:05 PM in Boys Basketball

Tough for the Versailles team to pull together in a day...and get ready for a tournament game when they were eliminated 9 days ago. Some of them have been swining bats and getting ready for other sports...

How tough for them to get ready for a team they know nothing about...

Poor decision making by the OHSAA. Tough for Purell Marion...tough for Versailles...just poor. Gotta be a better way of handling these things. Sometimes the "educated" make un-educated decisions.

#425808 Purcell disqualified in D3, Versailles now in regional semifinals

Posted by zerodrama on 19 March 2015 - 01:02 PM in Boys Basketball

I think OHSAA should have just declared the boy ineligible for the remainder of this year. Allowed the team to continue, and fined the school for the mistake instead of taking away a possible State run from Seniors/Juniors on the team. OHSAA says they are here for the development of the student athlete.

Develop them then. Quit handing out rulings like this and the one in Cleveland that left out a #1 seeded team due to an Administration error. Start Fining the schools that make mistakes like this and quit disqualifying entire teams for mistakes made by the adults.

The case in Northeast ohio where the team is out for too many games played...like the girls had a choice as to whether they played that one game or not...fine the school and allow the team to continue.

#424306 Intentionally trying to lose

Posted by zerodrama on 27 February 2015 - 09:57 PM in Girls Basketball

Im sure they would be...but the goal would be to get better. There are team's that were in state just a couple of years ago that would not qualify under the terms I mentioned, but they well be back too...but you are correct, most nwcc schools would not make it.

#424270 Intentionally trying to lose

Posted by zerodrama on 27 February 2015 - 01:56 PM in Girls Basketball

the only person that suggested staying home and not spending seven dollars is a SL...i watch basketball because it's basketball without a problem. I just don't think that having all teams involved is a good thing.

There are others that think the same way...just aren't on rc.

#424256 Intentionally trying to lose

Posted by zerodrama on 26 February 2015 - 11:05 PM in Girls Basketball

SL, you get a little testy about this discussion...Don't understand the sarcasm, you can't have a good discussion about a topic???

I don't understand why you come across as being so offended by the idea?

What good does it do the team to pay a game against a team that has no chance to win...can only muster 5 points in a game, our 15 in the latest blowout game...

Just eliminate those team's that don't have 8 wins. Then play the tourney.

Better yet, have two tournaments...one for 8+ win team's, then have one for team's under 8....lol

#424230 Intentionally trying to lose

Posted by zerodrama on 26 February 2015 - 12:42 PM in Girls Basketball

True to form, $$$ will win the discussion.

Super run by Coldwater, got it! IT does not happen very often, not often enough to keep watching horrible basketball...not even basketball.

The idea does hold water...so much so that the State and Federation are considering running clocks...heck, scores are so bad we now are going to consider having a running clock after a certain spread...should it be 25, 30 points??? Then they have an option out there for using a shot clock...some of these teams can't even hold onto the ball long enough to use the shot clock.

I would bang the drum for teams to have to have 8 wins in order to be considered to be in the playoffs...AGAIN...I know it is not going to change, but, I just wondered if it would generate discussion, and what others thought of it...28 games playes in DI sectionals with a 47-48 point margin. Not even worth the $7.00 to get in the door to watch!!!

Half time scores: 55-1, 43-3, 48-3, 38-2...

#424224 Intentionally trying to lose

Posted by zerodrama on 26 February 2015 - 10:30 AM in Girls Basketball

I get it, they are not going to change the format...you win! 28 games played in the DI sectionals with a 47 point margin between the winners and the losers...47 point margin in victory....wow...that is basketball!?!?!?!?!?

Yes, you are going to have that game or 2 or 3 in the regular season where it is going to happen...but that is scheduling. I said from the get go, the arguments were going to be for the 4-16 team that goes on a tear and gets to the state semi final. Far and few between...just doesn't happen that often.

Don't care to watch 47 point blow outs. It happens in the regular season, but if you have a bench mark of 8 or 9 wins to be in...some of these first round games would be more competitive...granted you may still have 1 or 2 that are blow outs...

My kids are long gone...don't need to worry about hurt feeling here. I don't feel that I am way out of bounds. That is just you saying that. I think narrowing the field down to those that earn the right to be there is the way to go.

Tournament time is tough enough. You get one of your top players hurt in a nothing game and he or she is gone for the rest of your tournament run...and it happens in one of these 47, 50, 60, or 70 point blow outs and you will ask why you had to play that nothing game....

just sayin....

#424190 Intentionally trying to lose

Posted by zerodrama on 24 February 2015 - 10:12 PM in Girls Basketball

Trivillage 83 Dayton Jefferson 5.

Other scores:


I think team's should be required to have won at least 8 games to be in tournament. Team's get frustrated, and do things that create problems.
I understand the thoughts of team's working hard to get better, but obviously some can't get better. It just won't happen.
After going 0-22 or what ever, the working to get better doesn't show up in results, and the outcome is pretty easy to figure out...even watching a team warm-up...I think it would make the playoffs more competitive.
If adding 5 more games to regular season would make you happy then I'm ok with it, as long as they then make the changes to the playoff format.

#424170 Intentionally trying to lose

Posted by zerodrama on 24 February 2015 - 02:55 PM in Girls Basketball

OHSAA should look at limiting who is in the basketball playoffs. Everyone gets to start the season over with the start of tournament play. Why? Football doesn't let everyone in?
Why not have a computerized basketball playoff?

Some of the first round scores are just not basketball. Why play them? How would it all come together? Or do you set a limit that teams have to be .500 to be in the playoffs?
an 0-22 team playing the #1 seed at 21-1 is just a mess waiting to happen.

I know someone is going to come on and say look at the cinderellas out there that come from nowhere to make it to state...got it...but, still, even the NCAA doesn't allow all teams in...

It would make going to a sectional game more interesting if the teams were actually playing for something, but right now with the super sectionals starting in NW ohio...alot of first round and some second round games are just going to be blow outs...with low turnout. just an opinion....

#423719 Waynesfield Goshen Again

Posted by zerodrama on 13 February 2015 - 11:20 PM in Girls Basketball

Double post...sorry.

#423718 Waynesfield Goshen Again

Posted by zerodrama on 13 February 2015 - 11:17 PM in Girls Basketball

Flounder, I concur!
I was thinking of the boys coach.
My fault, thanks for the correction.

#423717 Waynesfield Goshen Again

Posted by zerodrama on 13 February 2015 - 11:15 PM in Girls Basketball

You will always think there is butt kissing going on. It only takes a few people to plant the seed, and it's done, and true.

I understand the issue and perception. Is it real??? Was it real last year? Or just implied, and a few ran with whatever the story.

Same thing at the other schools mentioned. Parents are at the root cause. They don't like coaches that won't play their kids. All kids are future college players. If they aren't playing, the coach is at fault. He is playing favorites, or getting his butt kissed, or palms greased, our whatever...

It isn't you, but parents that are the problem.

#423654 Waynesfield Goshen Again

Posted by zerodrama on 13 February 2015 - 12:20 PM in Girls Basketball

Obviously, their parents didn't want them leading either as they pulled them out to go to other schools. Only one that left is actually starting anywhere else...the other's are not playing, or seeing little playing time.

What was wrong with their leadership...someone said they were like 8-2 or 9-3 or something like that.
Was it player jealousy, or parent jealousy??? I heard all about blaming the coach...heck all he did when he was there was win according to what I have seen and heard...but he is gone. Anyone can talk about his tactics, and all he did was win...and his players still come back to talk to him and really like him. Speaks more volume than the ones that didn't play, have no voice, or those that quit and left, gave up the right to talk...in my opinion.

Parents are in volved everywhere...they got involved up in continental...probably going to drive that coach off, and he is Alumni and was player of year in Ohio...but parent thinks he knows more. Unbelievable! They got involved at some other schools as well. Parkway, story on boys side with Bath...just funny to read all this stuff, but it always revolves around parents not liking the coach.....

#423638 Bath Boys Basketball

Posted by zerodrama on 13 February 2015 - 06:42 AM in Boys Basketball

It will take 5-6 years to build program and develop talent. Allen is a good coach and parents need to stay out, and be quiet. It is going on everywhere, parent involvement is rampant, and hurting programs all over.
Talent level is down and parents need to step back and see the picture from program standpoint, not just where it impacts Jr.

Parents want coaches to make the team's a winner every year, but don't want coaches making decisions about their kid. Don't hold then accountable for off season workouts, team camps, weight lifting, and open gyms...
But will confront coaches and teachers if Jr. Isn't doing well because it can't be the players fault.
Let the coaches coach and parents need to just stay out.
Davis took what, 8 years for talent and then back to back regionals. They wanted to run him off too prior to the regionals....never stops.

#423633 Waynesfield Goshen Again

Posted by zerodrama on 12 February 2015 - 11:24 PM in Girls Basketball

View PostGeneral Tso, on 12 February 2015 - 10:11 PM, said:

Has Dick Kortokrax coached varsity boys basketball longer than all the other current PCL boys coaches combined?

Yes, and he says what needs to be said. He does not listen to parents, never has, never will. Does it his way. Built a program, and the program is strong. I don't think we are talking about the Dick Kortokrax type coaches here on this thread.

#423630 Waynesfield Goshen Again

Posted by zerodrama on 12 February 2015 - 09:42 PM in Girls Basketball

Parents just always insert themselves. They don't like anyone yelling at their kids. No matter what. They will complain to the AD, school board, or just anyone that will listen. Coaches in today's game don't last long due to parent over involvement.

If you hope your kid is going to play at the next level...grow some thick skin now and let the HS coach do what he needs to do to prepare your kid. At the next level, that coach is going to rip a new one, and not use all the PC language that a HS coach is supposed to use. They are going to say what ever they want to say...watch Rick Pitino, Thad Matta, read lips at all???? Some of you parents would be charging the floor after them if they talked to your kid.

Skill set, what is your child's ability??? Do they work at the game and their skill, or just pick it up before the season starts and then expect to play alot???

Parents want a coach to come in and make there school team a winner! To build a good thogram a coach will need 5-6 years. Most don't get 3-4. The parents want the winner now...but don't make the player accountable for anything like team camp, open gym, weight lifting, conditioning. Heck, let the kid skip practice the night before a game to go to OSU basketball game, and then be ticked when he/she doesn't play the next night, and call the school board member and complain....yea, makes sense to me.

AD's need to have a stiff backbone and tell parents to stay out of the program. No interference rule for parents.
If the coach is out of line, trust the Administration to act on that through evaluations...want to have a winner? There is a small plan...when you hear another parent complaining about the coach, tell them to stop, you don't want to hear it. Tell them you think the coach is doing a good job!

#423629 Waynesfield Goshen Again

Posted by zerodrama on 12 February 2015 - 09:03 PM in Girls Basketball

View Postbvcgrad, on 12 February 2015 - 02:16 PM, said:

After seeing one of the girls who transfered out play earlier this year, seems like the program may be heading in the right direction . Getting rid of all the parents and kids with a sense of entitlement is a great start .

View Postbvcgrad, on 12 February 2015 - 02:16 PM, said:

After seeing one of the girls who transfered out play earlier this year, seems like the program may be heading in the right direction . Getting rid of all the parents and kids with a sense of entitlement is a great start .

Are you saying the girls that left had a sense of entitlement???? They were starters and were winning...
doesn't make any sense.

#423615 Waynesfield Goshen Again

Posted by zerodrama on 12 February 2015 - 12:23 PM in Girls Basketball

You talk about work ethic...where is the work ethic in basketball out of season???

The coach will be fine if you will let him coach, let the players play....and have an expectation of your daughter to do what the coach tells her. Don't tell her he doesn't know what he is doing, or he is in over his head. That is a negative that doesn't need to be given.

Build them up, encourage them to play in the summer, practice year round. Teach them how to handle adversity vs. giving them the easy way out...quit, or crap on the coach.