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#356573 Did I just witness Mr. Arlington Girls' Basketball...

Posted by Falcon86 on 07 September 2012 - 06:44 AM in Football

I attended the Arlington Football game last Friday night and was amazed at a scene that took place just behind the south end zone.

I was having a nice discussion with the lovely wife of Postplayer when I witnessed the Arlington girls' basketball coach verbally rape a group of parents from the visiting team. Apparently the group parked their blanket on the west side of the endzone (supposedly Arlington turf) and was cheering their team on when Mr. Girls' Basektball takes it upon himself to "instruct" this group they needed to move. It was not a request, he created a scene.

I was embarrassed for the group of folks, but much more embarrassed for the Arlington athletic program. What a shame to see a school representative act in such a manner.

I know he is 'royalty' in Arlington since winning a state championship with his girls basketball team, but come on, use better judgement. He is a representative of Arlington High School and needs to act professionally. I am not sure if this guy is a teacher or not, but if he is, the BOE should take a look at his contract.

I have been traveling to Arlington for football games since my younger days of rooting on my alma mater, Riverdale, and let me tell you the "facilities" that Arlington offers to the visiting team is not enough to even fit the Vanlue marching band, let alone the parents and fans of the visiting team. So, when a group of visitors had to sit, on a blanket, in the endzone, I think it is understandable.

Shame on you Mr. Arlington Girls Basketball and shame on the Arlington School District for not reprimanding your actions.

#356482 Did I just witness Mr. Arlington Girls Basketball...

Posted by Falcon86 on 06 September 2012 - 06:57 AM in Girls Basketball

I attended the Arlington football game last Friday night and was amazed at a scene that took place just behind the south end zone.

I was having a nice discussion with the lovely wife of Postplayer (wow, he married out of his league!) when I witnessed the Arlington girls basketball coach verbally rape a group of parents from the visiting team. Seems the group parked their blanket on the west side of the endzone (supposedly Arlington turf) and was cheering their team on when Mr. Girls Basketball takes it upon himself to instruct this group that they needed to move. It wasn't a request, he created a scene!

I was embarrassed for the group of folks, but much more embarrassed for the Arlington athletic program. What a shame to see a school representative act in such a manner.

I know he is 'royalty' in Arlington since winning a state championship with his girls basketball team, but come on, use better judgement. He is an Arlington High School representative and he needs to act professionally.

I have been traveling to Arlington for football games since my younger days of rooting on my Riverdale Alma Mater and let me tell you the "facilities" that Arlington supplies is not enough to fit the Vanlue Marching band, so when a group of visitors has to sit, on a blanket, in the endzone, I think it is understandable.

Shame on you, Mr. Girls Basketball and shame on the Arlington School District for not reprimanding your actions!

#355791 Liberty Benton Boys Coach Dismissed????

Posted by Falcon86 on 30 August 2012 - 08:46 AM in Boys Soccer

View Postformercoach, on 29 August 2012 - 07:16 AM, said:

I placed a phone call to an LB parent and although I feel this information comes from a reputable source, I do not claim to be all-knowing on this one:

Sounds like a couple parents got upset when their son was being picked on. Apparently a "you can dish it out but can't take it" type of deal. The kid, an underclassmen, was apparently running his mouth to the upper classmen. They retaliated (not sure to the extent) and the kid ran home to tell mom and dad.

Mom and dad run to the principal and next thing you know the coach is asked to leave. Sounds like this family has a history of stirring the pot if things don't go right for their Little Johnny. I was also told that dad has coached his son in the past to avoid similar issues, because it seems that the son is not well liked.

I heard their was a parents meeting in which the majority of the parents lobbied for the coach to stay, but the "administration" did not agree.

I think the coach was a scape goat and was made an example of. I was told that if the same thing was happening with the football team or basketball team, nothing would be done because of the "history" of the programs and, of course, the coaches.

I wish we could get some support to see what the "issues" were between the players. Seems it could help clarify what is "acceptable" to the adminstration at the school.

Good luck Coach Aukerman.

#354147 What is a coach to do?

Posted by Falcon86 on 24 July 2012 - 09:36 AM in Girls Basketball

View PostNDLOVER, on 18 July 2012 - 09:30 AM, said:

When a player decides to particpate maybe 2 days of the ten days in June and attend very few open gyms throughout the summer? Instead of being with her high school team she is on a "self promotion" tour of college camps in hope of the all mighty scholarship. Think she plays AAU ball with a decent team and should be getting plenty of exposure there. Does a coach do anything or just ignore it?
NDLover, I think I know who you refer to in this post and I think you are way off base. Sure, the team could have improved as a team, but I think in the long run this team will be a lot better, as she participated in camps and played games against players that are far better than what she would have played against in the HS Shootouts. Plus, this girl lost nearly 2 years of basketball due to a knee injury.

As a few others have stated, summer is summer. If girls want to play with their HS team, so be it. If girls want to go to camps to improve and be recognized, so be it. If girls want to sit by the pool, so be it.

I think this comes down to a jealousy issue, as so many issues do with girls. Your daughter is obviously jealous of this girl because your daughter is riding the pine while this girl plays. Come time for the season, the coach is going to play the strongest 5-7 girls.

You don't seem to be upset by several of the other girls on your HS team that missed open gyms and shoot outs for family vacations, so why so much hatred toward this girl who is only trying to get better?

Finally, may I suggest that next summer your daughter attend some camps if she is intent on getting recruited, or if she wants to improve her game. As a coach, I would support this.

#352637 Should the BVC expand?

Posted by Falcon86 on 12 May 2012 - 09:44 PM in Football

View PostPostPlayer, on 10 May 2012 - 01:04 PM, said:

Arlington faithful does NOT want LB to leave, I can assure you.

If expansion is done correctly, I am for it. If the schools mentioned pull stakes and leave the BVC to the likes of HN, Vanlue, CR and Arlington - I would vomit and begin my quest to become an avid fan of symphony orchestra...

Posty, not sure where you get your info, but I sat with 2 Arlington administrators and an Arcadia admin at the BVC meet on Friday and the all concurred that the want LB to be gone. The beat down LB put on the rest of the field was their main complaint.

If Atown doesn't vote in favor of expansion they will be left behind to form the VSC.......Very Sh@TTY Conerence.

#352202 OG "Posse" to be honored at May BOE meeting?

Posted by Falcon86 on 28 April 2012 - 06:06 PM in Girls Basketball

View PostLandess, on 26 April 2012 - 10:01 PM, said:

lol Voice, I live in Kettering Ohio. Look it up lol. I hate how people automatically assume crap because they don't like what happend.
BOE made their decision based on evidence and you are arguing it still. What is your argument? If a coach isn't doing well anymore do they get to keep their job because they used to be good? Is a parent who isn't happy with a coach always wrong?? If a players comes and tells you a coach is doing something inappropriate do you still dismiss it and act like they are just being oversensitive? That league is a joke up there anyway. Come down and play some big girl Basketball. Bath is the only team that can compete.

Wow Landess....I am betting that the Siefker girl from Ottoville and the Meyer girl and Craft girl from LB (all 3 are some of "your" players) are thrilled to hear you say the programs up north are a joke......Bath is the only team that can compete? If my memory is correct, the joke of an area (up North) had 3 teams competing at states, with one state champion in Arlington. Bath was one and LB was the other........c'mon get a clue.......

Rumor I hear is that you are killing the Dayton Hoopstar program.

#351984 Vanlue

Posted by Falcon86 on 24 April 2012 - 11:34 AM in Boys Basketball

Hot off the press........Garber was seen on an "official visit' at Hardin Northern yesteday!


#351597 Vanlue

Posted by Falcon86 on 17 April 2012 - 12:47 PM in Boys Basketball

View PostFiredupDevil, on 17 April 2012 - 12:21 PM, said:

Has Vanlue hired a coach yet? I know I saw the opening in the courier.

Dman is the new Vanlue coach!

Honestly I quit reading this thread a few weeks ago and checked back in on it today...........glad I quit reading wtih Dman and his rants.

Anyone who reads the Letters to the Editor in the Courier may think Dman and Loren Pace are one in the same!

#351596 Should the BVC expand?

Posted by Falcon86 on 17 April 2012 - 12:41 PM in Football

View PostPostPlayer, on 17 April 2012 - 07:54 AM, said:

All valid points Cubbie...however, you are missing ONE MAJOR POINT...

LB HAD their D3 opponent on their schedule and LOST to them (Elida). FIrst you want the tougher opponent for computer points, then you lose Craft, lose the game and NOW DON'T want to play them (but you point out that you would have beat them w/ Craft). What is it really? Let's not forget as well that you BOUGHT out that game with Elida so that your team could make the playoffs knowing you would have had a tough game against Elida with a 50/50 chance of winning/losing - so you literally paid to get them off of your schedule. That is fact.

Arlington had a chance to get rid of Rdale a few years ago and elected to not do so. Why? Because tradition with this school was more important than trying to get add'l points by playing a better team like Carey, etc. You cannot "chase" computer points year to year based on your team's ability - take your schedule and live with it. Some years it works out and some years it does not. As for "Arlington playing Riverdale for computer points" - that is also not true. This rivalry has been going on well before computer points were around...it has nothing to do with points. If it did, we would have bailed out when we could have and found a new opponent that would have helped us with points. Fact is - we value the rivalry more than the points, not too mention that this is one of our top 2 gates all year in football.

I guess we agree to disagree - but you have ZERO chance of refuting my comments on Elida v LB. A mixed message comes from LB on this topic - I guess it changes year-to-year based on the quality of your team.

Post, Post, Post......always willing to bash LB without your facts.

The fact is LB attempted to renew the 2-year contract with Elida. Elida was the one that did not want to renew the contract.

Also, the BVC as is will only exist for 2 more years. After which it will be disbanded with Vanlue, Arlington and Hardin Northern voting against expansion. At that time the remaining BVC schools will enter into a new league with bigger schools to allow the likes of LB a better chance to compete in the playoffs leaving the three nay sayers to find a new league. Or, LB, among others schools, will leave the conference for greener pastures. LB leaving is what the BVC wants, but as mentioned in other posts, it only hurts the remaining BVC members as they lose out on the opportunity to beat a DIV 5 school.

It all comes down to Arlington "Cowboying Up" and approving expansion......but my guess is it will be a NO vote because Arlington does not want "tougher" competition.

#350627 Job Opening for 2012-13 school year

Posted by Falcon86 on 30 March 2012 - 04:41 PM in Girls Basketball

Liberty Benton is looking for a girls JV coach.

#350568 Vanlue

Posted by Falcon86 on 29 March 2012 - 02:03 PM in Boys Basketball

View PostDman, on 29 March 2012 - 10:33 AM, said:

I don't disagree with any of this flounder...except...

There are some schools and coaches out there who have refused transfers to my knowledge (see Kortokrax). It does not change your argument in the least. But it is not fair to suggest "everybody does it" or "everybody would do it." We should at least acknowledge that some coaches and schools either would not do it on principal, or out of lack of opportunity. Ottawa is successful without doing it. Arlington and Jackson Center were fine this year. Kalida's history speaks for itself. Continental...? Every basketball team except Ada and LCC did it in the NWC this year. These are just the local examples off the top of my head.

The point is that you do a disservice to those school's mentioned above when you lazily opine "they all do it." The schools that don't use transfers do not deserve to be lumped in with those that do. There is a different level of respect rightfully reserved for those who navigate a more difficult path. This is true in all aspects of life, not just basketball. Whether they navigate this path by choice or no alternative opportunity does not change the fact that the path is more difficult.

My commentary on this subject addresses the humor that manifests itself from fans of teams that take the easier path. They somehow believe that their accomplishments deserve equal respect to competitors who have braved a more difficult challenge. That attitude is so wrong it is laughable. You can ride a helicopter to the top of Mount Everest. Or you can hike it. There are many scenarios in which the failed hikers attempt is much more admirable than the successful helicopter trip to the top.

Hiland and their transfer are an excellent basketball team. By all accounts it is a fine community and the transfer is a wonderful person. There is all sorts of respect to be found in that community's/transfer's successes. They just don't reach the level of what Arlington and Jackson Center demonstrated. Jackson Center and Arlington hiked Everest on their own. Hiland used a Sherpa. There is nothing inherently illegal, wrong, immoral with hiring and/or utilizing a Sherpa to climb a mountain...even if the Sherpa volunteers to help for free. But once you decide to accept the Sherpa's assistance, you forfeit the right to pretend that your accomplishment equals those who hike it solo.

Times have indeed changed. I accept it without liking it. Many teams WILL take every Sherpa that comes their way. Part of these changing times is that the respect given to basketball champions is of less magnitude than it used to be. The funny part is that those who accept "changing times" as reasonable explanation for utilizing Sherpa's are stuck way in the past with their perceptions of what their accomplishments mean in the modern era. You either accept that "times have changed" or you don't.

One hilarious consistency in all of these related posts concerning transfers is that regardless of school (Ada, Hiland, LCC, Elida, etc) their fan reaction is EXACTLY the same. They want to endorse "changing times" as explanation for the Sherpa(s) on their roster while simultaneously ignoring "changing times" as the reason most casual fans don't care about their accomplishments anymore...at least with the respect/magnitude the casual fan used to.

Just as you can't fight the trend toward temporary help...there is no fighting the trend toward fan apathy. I direct you to the declining attendance at high school basketball across the board. Check out the next AAU tournament and see how many people care about the victor besides immediate family. And why should anybody else care? There is no emotional attachments to hired Sherpas...

P.S. C-town...I can't stop it nor do I suggest we could. I just suggest that casual basketball fans simply don't care as much as they used to, and will care less in the future. This has already happened. Times HAVE changed. The only thing we can do is root like hell for those who do it the traditional way...and consistently point out Sherpa's on every roster where they exist. Assisted successes do not deserve equal celebrations. Deep down we all know this. Why do you think fans of "assisted" teams always attack the messenger and make every effort to stop any discussion of their Sherpa's? They want an equal celebration. They just don't want to take the more difficult path required to get the large celebration. There is something pathetic about these changing times...though I do reluctantly accept it.

What the hell is a Sherpa?

#350489 What has happened to Ottawa-Glandorf girls basketball ?

Posted by Falcon86 on 27 March 2012 - 09:59 PM in Girls Basketball

View PostOG Patron, on 27 March 2012 - 07:40 PM, said:

Maybe someone should film these complaining parents sitting in the parking lots drinking before the games and show that to the board.

Really? This is Putnam County......the school board members are in the parking lots partying with the parents!!!

#350409 Should the BVC expand?

Posted by Falcon86 on 26 March 2012 - 10:26 PM in Football

View Postfalconfan84, on 26 March 2012 - 10:21 AM, said:

Until recently (the past 3 years) the BVC was not as tough as NCC in girls hoops (Wynford, Riverdale, Bucyrus, Colonel Crawford, Buckeye Central all had successful teams at one time or another).

So you base your decision on 10-15 years ago? Good thought process.......probably why companies are moving into Detroit to open their businesses....base on 20-25 years ago Detroit is the place to be. See where that gets you.

And c'mon...softball? That's genius. "We chose the NCC because the softball is so competitive!" Great move. Gate at softball games must be really good in the NCC.

You must be breaking bread with Ryan Wright.

#350407 Vanlue

Posted by Falcon86 on 26 March 2012 - 10:16 PM in Boys Basketball

View Postfalconfan84, on 25 March 2012 - 10:08 PM, said:

.......... Also, it was quite coincidental that there were a set of sisters that (for one year) went to Findlay for older sis to play, then when she graduates, younger sis comes back to L-B to play for them. What's up with that?

Check your facts on this one.....lil sis did not want to move to Findlay when parents got divorced. Lil sis was miserable at Findlay, not having anything to do with sports........when big sis graduated the opportunity presented itself that she could move back to LB with her friends. This decision was not driven by basketball. In fact I think she even considered not playing basketball but she was good lifelong friends with the Hyde girl and she decided to play.

Now the Ramsey girl was a move in and as I commented on another thread, her move to LB had to do more with issues at Van Buren than moving to a different program. Now, if I am going to play basketball in high school I would have to consider playing for Newlove at Arlington or Irwin at LB. Her mom actually considered Arlington but liked the LB fit. Sounds like a similar situation that Garber may be in. If he moves it won't be because he is being recruited but because the situation at his current school stinks!

I have seen the Garber kid interacting with other kids from other schools and I think he is well liked so if he moves it ay be because he likes the classmates as well as the coach. Good luck to him.

#350402 Vanlue

Posted by Falcon86 on 26 March 2012 - 09:57 PM in Boys Basketball

View Postfalconfan84, on 25 March 2012 - 09:10 PM, said:

Umm....Aaron C. was a move-in from Fostoria (D2 school at that time). Nice try, though.

I've heard the story (from an L-B parent) of how Aaron was quite the hot-shot in his younger years in a Toledo area youth basketball league (AAU, or something like that). He played for a Fostoria team. Everybody knew he was the best player in that age group. Turns out, the following year, Aaron's Dad brings him into a 5th grade practice at L-B, and says Aaron is coming to school at L-B. I'm pretty sure there was some thought on the parents' part with bringing him to L-B...and I bet the exposure to L-B's team at the Toledo league had a little bit to do with it also. You can't tell me that these parents don't have a plan sometimes...it doesn't always have to happen between 8th and 9th grade. The earlier you move, the less it looks like a transfer.

I had the opportunity to talk with John Craft (father of Brandon, Aaron, and Caite). He is a teacher at Fostoria and knew years ago that the education being offered at Fostoria was declining. He loves the kids there but knew that his kids would get a better education elsewhere. He said sports had little to do with their decision. C'mon Aaron was in the 4th grade at this point....you don't pick upend move a 4th grader for sports. For a better education, yes! They considered Findlay Schools but did not like the size. LB's school system was highly rated at the time.

Now, if I knew my kids could potentially play for a coach like Steve Williman then that would play a role in my decision. Not for a future in basketball, but a future in life. I am willing to bet if you ask Brandon Craft about life lessons he would tell you that what Williman did for him to prepare him to go to Afghanistan was well worth it. Brandon was deployed on Saturday for Afghanistan. God Bless him and all of our troops!

Another point missed in these posts is the number of kids that are moving into the LB district that are not athletes. You ask the parents of these kids why they move in or open enroll it is for education. LB has an excellent reputation. But if a kid moves in and happens to be an athlete it is recruiting!?!?!?!? Check enrollment numbers- non athlete enrollment is growing at a faster rate than new athlete enrollment. With the growth of AAU sports it doesn't matter where you play school sports. Winning a state championship does not get you a scholarship. The kids that win state championships AND are getting money for school are the same kids that are putting time in AAU sports in the summer.

I know this is a Vanlue thread but had to offer my 2 cents.

#350034 Vanlue

Posted by Falcon86 on 23 March 2012 - 08:05 AM in Boys Basketball

View PostPostPlayer, on 22 March 2012 - 06:22 AM, said:

Here's to Garber looking at his options and realizing his BEST option is Arlington!! 3 Sophomores that play big minutes on a current state semi final team and deep talent all around.

IF Garber transfers, he would do it (I assume) for his best personal interest and want to have a shot at BVC championship as well as a run at state tourney. Having said that, he really only has 2-3 good options. Findlay High School, Liberty Benton (talent is not that robust right now) and Arlington. My guess is that if he does move, it will be to one of these three schools unless he goes to Carey cause it is the easiest transition with a parent already living there. Regardless of who gets him, someone would be very, very happy.

Posty....always the comedian.......I love the "talent is not that robust right now" comment. If memory serves me correctly, that talent at LB (1 senior) won them a share of the BVC with Posty's Red Devils. So if the talent isnt't that good, what is he saying about Arlington? Arlington beat LB in the early regular season, but had the game taken place at the end of the season I guarantee the game would have been a lot closer. The Darnall kid made a huge difference when he made it back to the LB lineup. LB loses 1 player to graduation and will return a plethora of sophomore talent to match up with Linhart, who will be 2 years removed from ACL surgery and IMO a lot more of a threat.

With that said, the Garber boy would be all the wiser to stay at the 'Lue. By moving he is sending a message to potential college suitors that he is willing to jump ship when things don't "go his way". We all know that the majority of recruiting is not done during the high school season, so how de does this summer with his AAU team will determine his future. He will have already committed to somewhere by the time the basketball season starts next year.

It is true that Vanlue's coach was at LB prior to going to Vanlue, but he was an assistant with the girls team at LB. IMO he only coached to make sure his daughter's scoring opportunities were not taken away. He left for Vanlue after her senior year at LB.

#349608 Should the BVC expand?

Posted by Falcon86 on 19 March 2012 - 03:14 PM in Football

View PostBlasT, on 22 February 2012 - 11:38 PM, said:

Same post two threads... c'mon Falcon you're better than that! :D Anyway... this is the same old talk every year... and it always ends the same, most small schools/conferences go through cycles of good years and bad years. Some, however, might not recover in the end and some may be on top for awhile. Still won't change the fact the LB will be in the BVC and be competitive. Until they dominate every sport like they have in track (boys and girls) the league won't "boot" them out... regardless of how much they recruit. ;) There are other BVC schools out there that have had as much success at times in the past, and they weren't asked to leave, in fact other schools stepped up to the challenge and their turn came to be on top. I don't foresee a change in the BVC except for adding quality, not ridding the conference of quality opponents

The current BVC schools would be crazy to ask LB to leave the conference. With the opportunity to beat a school that is "bigger/higher division" every year has to have value. I am willing to bet that multiple schools have made the playoffs in years past due to a win over the larger school, LB.

Plus, LB was once the door step of the conference in all sports......was anyone asking to have them booted then? Arlington basketball teams have been succesful for a couple years now, so when will the banter start to have them booted from the BVC.

Plus, LB typically produces a good gate wherever they travel. And, high school sports today is all about money. (Thus, the reason why Catholic / Private schools are still competing with public schools at tournament time). Schools would be crazy to give up those $$. It is especially great when you can have LB prop up your gate, then beat them!

IMO, if LB were to leave or be kicked out of the BVC, it would be the end of the BVC as we know it. Other schools would bolt.

Arlington has the most to lose right now by expansion...from a sports perspective they are on the rise, by bringing in competition it reduces their chances to win titles. That is probably why they are against it.

IMO it is in the best interest of the BVC to add 4 schools right now and look to phase HN and Vanlue out of the conference.

#349597 Should the BVC expand?

Posted by Falcon86 on 19 March 2012 - 02:25 PM in Football

View PostNW Ohio Guy, on 22 February 2012 - 07:38 PM, said:

An upper division school? (van buren doesn't count, they aren't known for recruiting, and aren't as big)

I love the whole recruiting thing and LB.......can anyone name one player of any sport that has been 'recruited'? Public schools can't recruit....only private schools have something to offer (paid tuition)!

#349595 What has happened to Ottawa-Glandorf girls basketball ?

Posted by Falcon86 on 19 March 2012 - 02:19 PM in Girls Basketball

View Postmilt73, on 14 March 2012 - 02:28 PM, said:

W's in Jr High doesn't mean W's at the JV Level. W's at the JV level, doesn't mean W's at the Varsity level. Things just don't translate sometimes. If the coach is playing mostly younger kids, they are going to take their lumps no matter how athletically gifted they are. Hopefully, taking lumps while the kids are younger will translate into giving lumps later. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

I'm always a little discouraged when parents run a coach out. The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence, but it rarely is. To barrow and cut a phrase, they are usually looking through 'green' colored glasses. Most parents that do this, want Coach K or Tom Izzo to walk through that door to be their next coach. They usually end up with some 24 or 25 year old kid with very little experience get the job. Only to realize that 'man, that coach last year wasn't that bad.'

This whole situation sounds eerily similar to the Van Buren situation back in 2005 thru 2010. There was a group of parents that thought they had a Jr. high team that was going to win 4 straight state championships. A number of the parents thought that the coach that was in place at the time could not get the job done. The parents would sit in practices, make weekly visits to the AD and superintendent, and make phone calls to the coach at night to tell him how to run his team. The coach tried to make everyone happy and ended up with a mess on his hands. He couldn't hack it! The program has seen multiple coaches over the last 7-8 years. Today, the Van Buren girls basketball program is among the dregs of the BVC - I think they won 1 BVC game this year and there is not a lot of talent in the junior high program. A lot of this can be blamed on 1 group of parents that thought they had it all figured out.

I counseled a mother of one of the players who explained to me that is was so bad that her daughter hated going to practices and games. That player transferred to a neighboring school district and conference foe and helped lead that team to a state championship her senior year. I witnessed Van Buren parents (35-50 years old) spew their venom toward that girl (17/18 years old) at the game that took place at Van Buren that season. It amazed me - who could blame someone for wanting to get away from it. I couldn't believe the things they said to her from the bleachers while she played. If they were willing to say those things in public, imagine what they were saying about their coaches behind closed doors. Morale of the story, this player won a state championship with a team that accepted her for what she is. She is still widely accepted in the community she moved to. Her family continue to support the new school district sports.

I am sure she is still hated at Van Buren, but I am sure she is much happier for the decision she made.

I guess the moral of this story is that the OG parents should think long and hard before forcing a coach out.

As for the video taping the coach - I think most coaches say and do things in the heat of the battle. I have watched Seth Newlove and his antics for years and I don't hear of many parents complaining about it. He is taking talent and winning a state championship. The OG parents want to run out a good coach and replace it with a coach that will take 2-3 years to get the program where they want it to be (if they can find a good coach that wants to handle the parents) and then another 2-3 years to start producing quality - sounds like their kids will be long gone from OG by that time.

As quoted from a famous American, Earl Pitts, "Wake up America!"

#349478 State final: Arlington (26-1) vs. Berlin Hiland (19-8)

Posted by Falcon86 on 18 March 2012 - 06:36 PM in Girls Basketball

View PostCommon Sense, on 17 March 2012 - 01:06 PM, said:

Amazing, and this happens sometimes. Arlington's toughest games in the tournament were oddly at the district level where they were 5 seconds and one three pointer away from going home. The old adage that defense wins championships really rings true here. Arlington rarely let any opponent get in any kind of flow offensively. So many times in baskeball, kids just want to work on their offensive games, but this team rode their defense to a state title. NW Ohio appears to be truly the strength of the state this year with Ottoville, Holgate, New Riegel and a few others with outstanding years.

Great job Atown.......I think Newlove and PostPlayer owe the scorekeeper at LB district game a steak dinner (at least). Sometimes a little luck is all that is needed.

BVC proud!

#347042 Liberty Benton vs Spencerville

Posted by Falcon86 on 09 March 2012 - 02:31 PM in Boys Basketball

View PostWerner Von Braun, on 09 March 2012 - 09:14 AM, said:

Ending was incredible. Great tourny game. The LB coach wowed me with his comments about 31 years coaching and maybe it was his turn (time). Came off very egotistical. Using his thought(or lack of) process, does it mean it was the S'ville coach's turn to lose like this? The "me" factor of his comments really baffled me.

There is no "me" in Williman. A class act that always thinks first about the kids.

Ask a parent from an opposing team that has had a kid injured while playing LB. A good portion of the time Williman is the first to the hopistal, or the first phone call to the players home, to check on his status.

I am sure he was emotional about the win.....he simply stated that in 31 years he has not had that happen to one of his teams. I have never witness a shot like that, so if i say in 52 years it has not happened to me, am I an egotist?

Some people really spit hatred on these threads!

#347039 #1 Ottoville (23-0) vs. #2 Arlingon (22-1)

Posted by Falcon86 on 09 March 2012 - 02:23 PM in Girls Basketball

View PostMysterio, on 09 March 2012 - 02:09 PM, said:

Why was it a disappointment? They lost to a good Arlington team that just played their best game of the year? Hard to beat a team when they are banking their three pointers in. No disappointment there, Ottoville just didn't play their best. So I got a question for you. So was it a good year for Ottoville because I thought you said it was a disappointment? :shrug2: Because it can't be both. :no:

Well Mysterio, read his comment, I think he is referring to the "tourney run", not the season. So, it can be both - a great season and a sh*tty tourney run.

This game was a perfect example of the post season.....a team gets hot at the right time (just one game) and it can propel you to states! If Arlington can pull out a state championship this will be game that they can look back at and say that it was huge. The Webb girl shooting lights out is the bit of luck that any team will need.

I still think Ottoville had the better coach, but not the better team for one night. I like Newlove as a person, but as a coach, I think he loses sight that he is coaching a game and pays too much attention to the refs.....although I must say, it is working.

Good luck to the Red Devils!

#346247 Regional semifinal: Liberty-Benton vs. Archbold

Posted by Falcon86 on 07 March 2012 - 12:12 PM in Girls Basketball

View PostSnip, on 06 March 2012 - 02:55 PM, said:

Shortening the game can be a good thing if it gets you a Win. If I had a daughter or relation on the team and "shortening the game" would get them a win, then I would stay and be one of the most vocal fans there. I will be going to watch 4 different games this week and if anyone of them "shoertens the game" then my visit will be short lived. I like watching "basketball". :) Best of luck to the Eagles and hope I stay to the very end to see a hard fought game.

So I guess what we are suppose to draw from this is:

If you are a coach and you see Snip in the bleachers, don't worry about your game plan. Look down at your wrist and see the arm band that reads W.W.S.W.M.T.D. (What Would Snip Want Me To Do), after all, he is the only reason they are playing these games.

Stupidist post I've seen in a while.

Sometimes "basketball" is a chess match and I love watching coaches maneuver their teams to get the matchup, or game situation, they want. There are a ton of coaches over the years that have lived off of throwing 5 athletic players on the court and tell them to go play......now take a team that is short on talent, or short on players, and put together a game plan to go out and beat a better opponent....that is "basketball".

Snip, may I suggest you taking in a bunch of AAU games this summer - that is the basketball you are looking for, not the tournament run when you need to win or go home.

#346245 Regional semifinal: Liberty-Benton vs. Archbold

Posted by Falcon86 on 07 March 2012 - 12:05 PM in Girls Basketball

View PostRealitySpeaks, on 06 March 2012 - 01:08 PM, said:

Other than on film, LB hasn't seen a defense like Archbold will play against them. There's not much else to say... you'll see.

Yes, Archbold did have an aggressive defense, but it was comparable to what LB saw the 3rd game of the year versus Arlington.

Archbold had a nice team, but the coach shot himself in the foot when he tried the slow-down game in the first half- played right into what LB needed.

#345826 Regional semifinal: Liberty-Benton vs. Archbold

Posted by Falcon86 on 06 March 2012 - 03:27 PM in Girls Basketball

View PostSnip, on 06 March 2012 - 02:55 PM, said:

Shortening the game can be a good thing if it gets you a Win. If I had a daughter or relation on the team and "shortening the game" would get them a win, then I would stay and be one of the most vocal fans there. I will be going to watch 4 different games this week and if anyone of them "shoertens the game" then my visit will be short lived. I like watching "basketball". :) Best of luck to the Eagles and hope I stay to the very end to see a hard fought game.

This is tournament time.........only the team that wins advances......do what you need to do to win the game.

I was at the game Saturday night and LB had to shorten the game in order to win. Coach Irwin did the right thing.

Snip, you must have been setting in the Evergreen section......there were plenty of snide comments being yelled in the direction of the LB bench..........but at the end of the night - I digress to a cheer the students often use "SCOREBOARD-----SCOREBOARD".

This is tournament time!