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#433274 BVC in 2016 What you think?

Posted by falconfan84 on 25 August 2016 - 08:56 PM in Football

Is there gonna be a BVC pick-ems this year?

#429857 BVC Picks WK 10

Posted by falconfan84 on 27 October 2015 - 09:47 PM in Football

View PostBluetiger76, on 27 October 2015 - 09:12 AM, said:

Arcadia's 1-8 isn't as impressive as Riverdale's 1-8
...as if it's possible to have an "impressive" 1-8 record...but if it gets us to 2-8, we'll take it!

Overall...a somewhat "unimpressive" year for the BVC, except for McComb's outstanding season. Equally unimpressive has been my feeble attempt at picking winners this year...so here goes one last try:

North Baltimore
Van Buren

#429494 BVC Picks WK 9

Posted by falconfan84 on 18 October 2015 - 09:32 PM in Football

Van Buren

#429309 BVC Picks WK 8

Posted by falconfan84 on 14 October 2015 - 10:20 PM in Football


#429247 BVC Picks wk 7

Posted by falconfan84 on 12 October 2015 - 09:59 PM in Football

View Post3rd & Long, on 12 October 2015 - 08:57 AM, said:


There ya go everyone, follow the link and have some fun
Oh..yeah....that WAS fun!

#429246 Congrats to Jon Hayfield and Robb Ingram!

Posted by falconfan84 on 12 October 2015 - 09:02 PM in Boys Soccer

Where's the "Like" button? Congratulations, Jon!

#429245 Liberty Benton/Riverdale Track

Posted by falconfan84 on 12 October 2015 - 08:44 PM in Track/Cross Country

Hey, how about that football game??

#429209 BVC Picks wk 7

Posted by falconfan84 on 11 October 2015 - 03:56 PM in Football

View PostWhiterabbit, on 11 October 2015 - 07:11 AM, said:

falcon, I won't take the bait; but I will ask just for no other reason. You were a runner in high school right? Non football player?
Whiterabbit - The ONLY reason we're talking track on here is because of the original remark I made about how L-B doesn't always run their best in meets...I wondered if that were true when they were playing us Friday night in football. That evidently struck a nerve with more than a few wanting to defend their track progam...and so here we are many posts later...

#429202 BVC Picks wk 7

Posted by falconfan84 on 10 October 2015 - 11:45 PM in Football

View Postharry419419, on 10 October 2015 - 04:00 PM, said:


You can't argue with LB's track success but nice try. They usually have 80-90 boys/girls combined on the track team. The way they use their week day duel/tri meets is to develop all of their athletes. They have 40-50 kids that don't participate on Saturday's so they use these meets to develop them. If it's such an issue please don't schedule a meet with them. Just wait to run the varsity at the BVC meet and let me know how that goes. We love having Riverdale in the league but I've never been a fan of you personally. You continue to prove my reasons......

Riverdale has a decent football team and has a lot of bright spots with some underclassmen. LB, not so much. Riverdale wins this game next year.
L-B's track success is not being argued. They have had some great individual and relay performers for many years. That is what wins invitational, district, regional, and state trophies...but not necessarily the case in a duel meet, where the measure of the entire team is much better represented. It can be perceived as patronizing when only the JV's are dressed and participating...that's all. If we want to see how we measure up against L-B's TEAM, we're not given that opportunity. At the BVC, each team is going against the 2 best in each event from 11 other schools...not exactly the same as placing your best 5-10 kids per individual event against one other school's. In a dual meet, a coach can still develop the younger talent...EVERYBODY can compete. Place them in a faster heat, create a 2nd or 3rd relay team, mix up the members of relay teams so that you have created 2 or more "evenly" matched teams to create competition within your own team members for placement on the relay that competes in the conference meet and beyond. When I ran for Riverdale, we had around 45 boys and maybe even more girls on the teams, so I know what it's like to have numbers competing, scoring (or not) and trying to make varsity. BTW, I'd rather not schedule them, in comparison to a team that provides a challenge so we can improve. I'd love to have them at full power, though...If we get beat, we get beat...there's nothing to gain, otherwise.

Regardless, if you didn't know how it went in last year's BVC meet, we ended up 2nd to L-B, while missing one boy that would have scored points in the pole vault and 300 hurdles and another boy that would have joined him on the 400 and 800 relays. We still would not have caught up to L-B's point total, but it would have closed the gap a bit and made our 1/2 point spread over Hopewell-Loudan a bit larger. So...if you were trying to be condescending...better luck next time.

I'm glad you like having Riverdale in the league. We're glad to be a part of it. The problem here harry419419 (and HH75...and maybe a few others) you guys don't even know ME, you just aren't a fan of my "persona" on an online sports forum...sorry about that. My problem is that it is far too comfy being a bit "anonymous" behind my computer screen, so I type things in a way I wouldn't say face-to-face. I'm actually pretty easy-going and enjoy talking about and comparing high school sports stuff.

#429187 BVC Picks wk 7

Posted by falconfan84 on 09 October 2015 - 10:11 PM in Football

View Postplaymaker, on 09 October 2015 - 09:59 PM, said:

Really getting salty about a team treating a certain meet as a JV meet? or are we against letting the younger kids ever compete?
At dual track meets EVERYBODY can compete. I don't have a problem with letting the younger/not-as-good runners run. It can seem as an insult, though, when a team (such as Liberty-Benton) only has their "JV's" run in a meet where you'd actually like to have some competition to run against. I spoke with a guy at work about this, and he said that the coach figures out what it will take to win the meet and then lets the lesser experienced kids run in most of the events. This past year, the dual meet @ L-B was not even close, with us winning nearly every running event. It really makes for a boring meet, when it could have been a great chance for our kids to run against what is usually quality competition. L-B does this in track quite often. I was wondering (since there were so many remarks about Riverdale being "just bad" lately) if they didn't also try this for this football game...that's all.

#429182 BVC Picks wk 7

Posted by falconfan84 on 09 October 2015 - 09:51 PM in Football

View PostBluetiger76, on 09 October 2015 - 07:24 PM, said:

I obviously should have worried about this one too.
Didn't go the game. Heard Riverdale had the lead for a while. Did L-B play their starters? I wouldn't put it past them to play the bench against us, since they routinely pull that prank during track season...saving their better runners for the "important" meets.

#428999 BVC Picks wk 7

Posted by falconfan84 on 05 October 2015 - 08:44 PM in Football

North Baltimore

#428827 BVC Picks wk 6

Posted by falconfan84 on 01 October 2015 - 08:08 PM in Football


#428473 BVC Picks wk 5

Posted by falconfan84 on 19 September 2015 - 08:15 PM in Football

Van Buren

#428347 Result 9/10/15

Posted by falconfan84 on 16 September 2015 - 06:49 PM in Boys Soccer

View PostHagen, on 16 September 2015 - 10:50 AM, said:

"I'd rather be lucky than good." If luck got them a league title and district final appearance, then keep wearing those clovers & be happy. Also, you don't get lucky without putting in the work to be in position to be lucky.
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" is another quote that goes along with what you are saying. I guess I'll take some luck over a loss any day...but it sure is nice when there is some respect to go along with the spoils of victory. It's just frustrating when you don't perform to your capabilities consistently.

#428320 BVC Picks Wk 4

Posted by falconfan84 on 15 September 2015 - 09:18 PM in Football

North Baltimore - Tigers may have the weakest overall schedule of all the BVC teams...opponents are a combined 6-24 to date.
Arlington - Neither team as good as last year...Arlington's a little better.
Pandora-Gilboa - These 2 teams are thick in the hunt for being the "Best of the worst teams in the BVC". This could be the best match-up of the night...I might change my mind on this one.
Hopewell-Loudon - Chieftains win big.
Liberty-Benton - meh...can't think of any immature remarks concerning this pick.
McComb - Falcons had chances last week vs. P-G...they won't against the Panthers.

#428319 Result 9/10/15

Posted by falconfan84 on 15 September 2015 - 08:46 PM in Boys Soccer

View Postformercoach, on 14 September 2015 - 12:42 PM, said:

Not sure who thinks Rdale is "lucky". Always a quality side, and your future is bright having seen the 8th graders demolish Kenton.
After winning their league last year, beating L-B in 2 OT's and shootout at district, there were rumblings that Riverdale was just lucky in some of their wins. That's why I used that term. The team had a pretty successful summer tourney/scrimmage record, but are in a funk right now. They have the makings of a good team, but until they discipline themselves to play at a high level consistently, they're not going to impress their competition...and therefore...when they beat a "good" team, they might just be considered "lucky" by some of the teams they played earlier in the season.

#428147 Result 9/10/15

Posted by falconfan84 on 11 September 2015 - 04:46 PM in Boys Soccer

Riverdale 1 Liberty-Benton 1

Ugly game from the Falcons. It was almost embarrassing to watch how many of our boys were cramping up. A Liberty-Benton boy in the stands yelled "that's what you get for drinking pop..". Unfortunately, that's the mentality of the kids in the crowd. My son drinks very little pop during soccer...the coaches preach against it...they know better. It was my opinion that we get out-passed by other teams so far this year. We looked like U6 players chasing the ball around and kept the dribble far too long. What caused our players to cramp so much is the fact that they probably ended up running twice as far as the L-B kids did during the game. Playing smarter would have saved them not only some embarrassment, but might have ended up giving us some opportunities we didn't allow ourselves to have to get a win.

So until the boys start to play like they're able, they'll be labelled a "lucky" team by their opponents...just like last year.

I don't mean to sound negative, because I want the kids to reach their potential...which could be a very nice thing. If nothing else, I want these poor performances to turn into motivation to get there. Go Falcons!

#428129 BVC Picks Wk 3

Posted by falconfan84 on 10 September 2015 - 10:21 PM in Football

Pandora-Gilboa Riverdale - Last-minute change of heart. Even if it costs me some points, I feel the need to pick with my heart versus a team we have a chance against. Sorry bob22.

#427848 BVC Picks Wk 2

Posted by falconfan84 on 03 September 2015 - 10:42 PM in Football

Upper Scioto Valley
Columbus Grove
Bowling Green
Chillicothe Southeastern

#427572 BVC Picks WK1

Posted by falconfan84 on 27 August 2015 - 10:32 PM in Football

Marion Local
Col. Grove
North Baltimore
Tiffin Calvert